Current Event Signature Validation
  • 19 Dec 2024
  • 1 Minute à lire
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Current Event Signature Validation

  • Sombre
  • PDF

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Résumé de l’article

This operation performs an event-based signature validation on a current event signature. Signature validation is performed within the current event window.

For this operation to succeed, the following administrative tasks should be performed in OneSpan Authentication Server:

  1. Register the client application.
  2. Define/assign a current event signature validation policy to this client application.
  3. Define users and assign authenticators supporting event-based transaction authentication.

At a minimum, the authSignature command requires the following set of signature field attributes in order to perform signature validation:


If the transaction authentication is successful, OneSpan Authentication Server will return the verified event counter in the SOAP response. This information will be specified by the SIGNFLD_VERIFIED_EVENT_VALUE signature attribute in the resultattribute element.

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