Deferred Signature Validation
  • 19 Dec 2024
  • 1 Minute à lire
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Deferred Signature Validation

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Résumé de l’article

This operation performs a time-based signature validation that is not completed in real-time. Signature validation is performed within the time window for the specified deferred time. Typically, a transaction with the signature generated by the authenticator is queued. The transaction queue is processed by a batch job; the user may not know the signature validation result for minutes or even hours.

For this operation to succeed, the following administrative tasks should be performed in OneSpan Authentication Server:

  1. Register the client application.
  2. Define/assign a deferred-time signature validation policy to this client application.
  3. Define users and assign authenticators supporting time-based transaction authentication.

At a minimum, the authSignature command requires the following set of signature field attributes in order to perform signature validation:

  • SIGNFLD_DEFERRED_DATETIME. The date and time (datetime) when the digital signature has been generated.

If the transaction authentication is successful, OneSpan Authentication Server will return the verified datetime in the SOAP response if the following conditions are met:

  1. The used authenticator must have the time base algorithm enabled for the signature application. This can be verified in the application details of the respective authenticator in the OneSpan Authentication Server Administration Web Interface.
  2. For the policy used, the Online Signature mode must be enabled (i.e. not set to Disabled) in the DP Control Parameters tab of the effective policy.

This information will be specified by the SIGNFLD_VERIFIED_DATETIME signature attribute in the resultattribute element.

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