Deleting Finished Tasks
  • 06 Jan 2025
  • 1 Minute à lire
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Deleting Finished Tasks

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Résumé de l’article

Finished server tasks remain in the task list, until you delete them. As you run or schedule (new) tasks, this task list will grow over time as task entries are accumulated to it. It is good practice to clean up the task list and remove completed tasks regularly to maintain clarity and avoid performance issues with the task management.

Before you begin

Ensure that you have the Delete Task privilege assigned.

Deleting finished tasks

You can delete finished tasks manually from the task list or by running a dedicated cleanup task.

To schedule a task cleanup task

  1. Log on to the Administration Web Interface.

  2. Select SERVERS > Delete Finished Tasks.
  3. On the Finished Tasks page, type the maximum age of the completed tasks to be deleted.

    All finished tasks with an end date (completion) older than this value will be deleted. If you set the maximum age to 0, all finished tasks will be deleted.

  4. On the Schedule Task page, specify the task mode and the scheduling settings of the task. When you click NEXT, the cleanup task will be run or scheduled accordingly.
  5. Click FINISH to complete the wizard.

Additional considerations

  • The task cleanup task will only delete tasks that finished successfully. Failed tasks will not be removed from the task list.
  • The task cleanup task itself creates a task entry in the task list. You can delete that task entry after it has completed or have it automatically removed the next time you run another cleanup task.

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