Digipass Matrix Card Service
  • 23 Jan 2025
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Digipass Matrix Card Service

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Résumé de l’article


The Digipass Matrix Card Service is used for matrix card generation and matrix card user authentication. A Digipass matrix card is a card which contains a matrix of OTPs. It is characterized by the following parameters:

  • the number of columns of the matrix card
  • the number of rows of the matrix card
  • the number of characters per cell of the matrix card
  • the format of the characters of a cell
  • a Digipass serial number, unique for every card
  • a sequence number representing a life-cycle event

As the OTPs on the card are not dynamically renewed, the card must be changed regularly. For each new card, the Digipass serial number remains the same, and the sequence number is incremented.

With the Digipass Matrix Card Service, OTPs can be generated and, optionally, the host code can be printed on the card. Additionally, the service allows the validation of the matrix card OTP using a Challenge/Response authentication mode.

To authenticate a Digipass matrix card owner, Authentication Suite Server SDK generates a certain number of matrix cell coordinates, which determines the security level. The user submits the OTP printed in the corresponding cells and to be verified by Authentication Suite Server SDK. Optionally, if it is printed in the card cells, a host code is returned.


The Digipass Matrix Card Service relies on the following functionalities:

  • Matrix card generation
  • Matrix card authentication


Figure:  Matrix card authentication workflow

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