E-signature generation
  • 03 Dec 2024
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E-signature generation

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Résumé de l’article

Signature generation (overview)

Signature generation (overview)

The workflow involves the following steps:

  1. The user provides the signing data to the application integrating the Digipass SDK.

  2. The application integrating the SDK retrieves the Digipass static and dynamic vectors from its data storage.

  3. The application calls the SDK e-signature generation function with the Digipass vectors and the data to sign.

  4. The SDK returns an e-signature or an error code. The dynamic vector is updated.

  5. The application updates the dynamic vector in its data storage. To update the dynamic vector, the application can rely on the Secure Storage SDK.

    For more information, refer to OneSpan Mobile Security Suite Product Guide, Secure Storage SDK.

  6. The application processes the e-signature or the error code.

    Routines of the e-signature generation service:

    • C/C++/Objective C: DPSDK_GenerateSignature

    • Swift: generateSignature

    • Java: generateSignature

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