- 20 Dec 2024
- 1 Minute à lire
- SombreLumière
dpCSVFileImport (Command)
- Mis à jour le 20 Dec 2024
- 1 Minute à lire
- SombreLumière
Availability: OneSpan Authentication Server 3.21 and later
Scenario: Administration
The dpCSVFileImport command processes authenticator data that has been previously uploaded from a DIGIPASS import file via the dpCSVFileUploadMTOM command (see dpCSVFileUploadMTOM (Command)). The command schedules a server task that processes the authenticator data.
Parameter name | Data type | Description |
sessionID | String | Required. The session identifier of the current administrative session. The logon command returns this identifier after a successful logon (see logon (Command)). |
cacheID | String | Required. The unique identifier of the uploaded DIGIPASS import file generated by the dpCSVFileUploadMTOM command. |
resetAppls | Boolean | Optional. Specifies whether to reset authenticator application records when they are imported. This option is required if the system clocks vary between the source environment and the destination server. The time zone settings must be correct on the destination server, and the clocks of the source and destination servers must be synchronized. Default value: false |
updateExisting | Boolean | Optional. Specifies whether existing authenticator records should be updated with information from the DIGIPASS import file. Default value: false |
schedule | Boolean | Optional. Specifies whether the import task should be scheduled to run in the background. If the server task runs in background, you can also specify whether and how to notify the user when the task is completed with the notify parameter. Default value. false |
notify | TaskNotifyDeliveryMethodEnum | Optional. The notification delivery method to notify the user on completion of the task. The required contact information must be defined in the respective user account. This option is only effective if schedule is set to true. If omitted, the user will not be notified. Possible values:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <adm:dpCSVFileImport xmlns:prov="http://www.vasco.com/IdentikeyServer/IdentikeyTypes/Administration"> <sessionID>3JSK8cmRjw4E30wAA=0nUTL-~3fmifTO</sessionID> <cacheID>5FD10FA7-D830-5149-A3B6-A4AA623EBFB9</cacheID> </adm:dpCSVFileImport> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope>
Required administrative privileges: