dpCSVFileUploadMTOM (Command)
  • 20 Dec 2024
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dpCSVFileUploadMTOM (Command)

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Availability: OneSpan Authentication Server 3.21 and later

Scenario: Administration

The dpCSVFileUploadMTOM command uploads a DIGIPASS import file using MTOM encoding. The authenticator data is stored in the vdsBlob table. To effectively import and process the data, you need to call dpCSVFileImport afterward (see  dpCSVFileImport (Command)).

A DIGIPASS import file is a comma-separated text file (.csv) that contains authenticator records. They are used, for instance, to import authenticator data from an existing OneSpan Authentication Server Framework environment to OneSpan Authentication Server.

The import files are also used by Data Migration Tool (DMT). For more information about the DIGIPASS import file type and preparing such files, refer to the Data Migration Tool Administrator Guide.


  Table:  dpCSVFileUploadMTOM input parameters
Parameter NameData typeDescription
sessionIDStringRequired. The session identifier of the current administrative session. The logon command returns this identifier after a successful logon (see  logon (Command)).
fileNameStringRequired. The path and file name of the DIGIPASS import file to upload.
dpcsvfileDataBinary data (Hex)Required. MTOM-encoded content of the DIGIPASS import file to upload.
taskDescriptionStringOptional. An optional text to describe the task.

Optional. An optional custom storage derive key used to decrypt the authenticator BLOB data.

If you are migrating from OneSpan Authentication Server Framework, this is the storage derivation key. The derivation key is set using the four storage derive key kernel parameters, i.e. StorageDeriveKey1, StorageDeriveKey2, StorageDeriveKey3, and StorageDeriveKey4 as concatenated hexadecimal value.

  Table:  dpCSVFileUploadMTOM output parameters
Parameter nameData typeDescription

Required. The error stack, if applicable, which indicates that the command has not completed successfully. This also includes the result and status codes returned by the command.

resultdpCSVFileUploadMTOMResultOptional. The result of the command (see  dpCSVFileUploadMTOMResult (Data type)).

dpCSVFileUploadMTOMResult (Data type)

  Table:  dpCSVFileUploadMTOMResult (Data Type) 
Parameter nameData typeDescription
fileNameStringThe path and file name of the DIGIPASS import file to upload as specified in the input parameters.
cacheIDStringThe unique identifier of the uploaded DIGIPASS import file generated by the server. Used to refer to the uploaded file later when importing the data.
applsTotalUnsigned integerThe total number of authenticator application records read from the file.


Upload a DIGIPASS import file using inline encoding:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
    <adm:dpCSVFileUploadMTOM xmlns:prov="http://www.vasco.com/IdentikeyServer/IdentikeyTypes/Administration">

Upload a DIGIPASS import file using an XML-binary Optimized Packaging (XOP) reference:

Content-Id: <rootpart*cd1761d6-ff45-40da-aec0-7e206ae1380d>
Content-Type: application/xop+xml;charset=utf-8;type="text/xml"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
    <adm:dpCSVFileUploadMTOM xmlns:prov="http://www.vasco.com/IdentikeyServer/IdentikeyTypes/Administration">
        <xop:Include xmlns:xop="http://www.w3.org/2004/08/xop/include" href="cid:CSV"/>
Content-Id: <CSV>
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary


Required administrative privileges:

  • Import DIGIPASS

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