dpdbadmin checkauditpartitioning
  • 08 Jan 2025
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dpdbadmin checkauditpartitioning

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Résumé de l’article

The dpdbadmin checkauditpartitioning command is used to verify whether the audit tables (vdsAuditMsg, vdsAuditMsgField) are partitioned (using the dpdbadmin partitionaudittables command). It also verifies if you have created a scheduled stored procedure with the dpdbadmin scheduleauditpartitioning command.

This command is only supported for MariaDB.


dpdbadmin checkauditpartitioning –d dsn [OPTION]...

where dsn is the ODBC data source name.

Command-line options

Table: dpdbadmin checkauditpartitioning command-line options
‑d, ‑dsndsnRequired. ODBC data source name (DSN), e.g. "IAS embedded database".
‑h, ‑help Show help and usage information.
‑l, ‑loglogfileWrite output to logfile.
‑p, ‑passworddbpassword

Optional. Password of the database administrator.

This option can be omitted if the database administrator account has a blank password.

‑q Quiet mode. Do not output commentary text.
‑r, ‑rangerange

Optional. Verify whether the audit tables are partitioned using the respective time range.

Possible values:

  • daily
  • monthly
‑synctimeouttimeoutThe timeout in seconds to synchronize with other dpdbadmin instances.
‑u, ‑userdbusernameOptional. User name of a database administrator (if required).
‑unlockdb Unlock a database synchronization lock used to protect the database schema against concurrent schema modifications.
‑v, ‑verbose Print verbose output. Can be specified twice to be more verbose.

Exit codes

Table: dpdbadmin checkauditpartitioning exit codes
Exit codeDescription
0The command completed successfully. The audit table partitioning is enabled and correctly set up.
1The command has been aborted by the user.
2The command failed due to an unspecified error.
3The specified parameters are invalid.
4The command failed due to an error.
5The database authentication failed.
14The audit tables are not partitioned. To enable partitioning, run the dpdbadmin partitionaudittables command.
15The audit tables are partitioned, but either the daily partition event and/or the stored procedure has not been created. To create them, run the dpdbadmin scheduleauditpartitioning command.
16The audit tables are partitioned, but the database event scheduler is disabled.
17The audit tables are partitioned, but the specified range and the actual range mismatch.


To verify the existing audit tables in the database that is connected via the data source name IAS embedded database and the user credentials digipass and digipassword type:

dpdbadmin checkauditpartitioning –u digipass –p digipassword –d "IAS embedded database"

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