- 14 Oct 2024
- 1 Minute à lire
- SombreLumière
Notification Registration
- Mis à jour le 14 Oct 2024
- 1 Minute à lire
- SombreLumière
A registration must be done to enable the notification feature in a mobile application. When the user starts a mobile application that has previously already been activated (or just after a successful activation), a background process must be started to perform the following steps:
Get the OneSpan notification identifier using the Notification SDK.
Check whether the OneSpan notification identifier has been updated by comparing it with the previous data stored in the persistent memory.
If the OneSpan notification identifier has been updated:
Encrypt the OneSpan notification identifier using the Digipass SDK.
Transmit the encrypted OneSpan notification identifier to the DIGIPASS Gateway via the dedicated service.
Store the OneSpan notification identifier in the persistent memory.
Notification registration workflow (Overview) provides a high-level overview of the integration of OneSpan Mobile Security Suite in the mobile application, and does not show all required calls to the OneSpan SDKs. Furthermore, it does not display the call by DIGIPASS Gateway to OneSpan Authentication Server.
For more information, refer to the OneSpan Mobile Security Suite documentation.