dsappSRPGenerateActivationData (Command) Mis à jour le 20 Dec 2024 1 Minute à lire The content is currently unavailable in French. You are viewing the default English version.
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The dsappSRPGenerateActivationData command generates activation data for a standard online activation or for Activation Message 1 in multi-device licensing (MDL). Furthermore, it encrypts that message using Digipass Software Advanced Provisioning Protocol-Secure Remote Password (DSAPP-SRP) session keys.
Parameters Table: dsappSRPGenerateActivationData input parameters (SOAP provisioning) Parameter name Data type Description componentType String Required . Specifies the client component to serve the request.registrationID String Required . The user input information. This specifies the user to be authenticated for the operation.clientEvidenceMessage String Required . Encrypted data for a standard online or MDL activation, the evidence message generated by the client.
Table: dsappSRPGenerateActivationData output parameters (SOAP provisioning) Parameter name Data type Description status CommandStatusResponse Required . The error stack, if applicable, which indicates that the command has not completed successfully. This also includes the result and status codes returned by the command.
result DSAPPSRPGenerateActivationDataResult Optional.The encrypted activation data.
DSAPPSRPGenerateActivationDataResult (Data type) Table: DSAPPSRPGenerateActivationDataResult (Data type) Element name Data type Description standard DSAPPSRPStandardActivation The encrypted data required for standard online activation, i.e. activation code and event reactivation counter. mdl DSAPPSRPMDLActivation The encrypted data required for MDL activation, i.e. the activation message. serverEvidenceMessage String Encrypted data for a standard online or MDL activation, i.e. the evidence message generated by the server.
DSAPPSRPStandardActivation (Data type) Table: DSAPPSRPStandardActivation (Data type) Element name Data type Description activationCode DSAPPSRPEncryptedData The activation code for online activation, either full activation data (FAD) or encrypted full activation data (XFAD). eventReactivationCounter DSAPPSRPEncryptedData Event reactivation counter for the standard activation. This is used to activate the device.
DSAPPSRPMDLActivation (Data type) Table: DSAPPSRPMDLActivation (Data type) Element name Data type Description activationMessage DSAPPSRPEncryptedData The generated activation message for MDL online activation.
DSAPPSRPEncryptedData (Data type) Table: DSAPPSRPEncryptedData (Data type) Element name Data type Description encryptedData String Encrypted data, i.e. the activation code, the reactivation counter, or the activation message for the online activation. encryptionCounter String The encryption counter for the activation code, the event reactivation counter, or the activation message. mac String The message authentication code for the activation code, the event reactivation counter, or the activation message.
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<prov:dsappSRPGenerateActivationData xmlns:prov="http://www.vasco.com/IdentikeyServer/IdentikeyTypes/Provisioning">
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