Ensure the Registration of the Digipass Authentication Module in IIS
  • 14 Nov 2024
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Ensure the Registration of the Digipass Authentication Module in IIS

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Possible causes

If Digipass Authentication for IIS Basic does not perform any processing (i.e. the module does not produce any trace output), ensure it has been registered for the website it is designated for.


During installation, the module is registered with the modules of IIS. This registration should be inherited from all installed websites. Ensure that inheritance is enabled, or explicitly register the IIS-native module for the relevant website(s).

To ensure Digipass Authentication for IIS Basic is registered in IIS

  1. Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager and select the appropriate server.

  2. Select Modules.

  3. Verify that Digipass Authentication for IIS Basic is in the Modules list.

If Digipass Authentication for IIS Basic is not included in the Modules list, register it in IIS.

To register Digipass Authentication for IIS Basic in IIS

  1. In the Actions panel, select Configure Native Modules.

    The Configure Native Modules dialog is displayed.

  2. Click Register.

    The Register Native Modules dialog is displayed.

  3. Type Digipass Authentication for IIS Basic into the Name field, browse to %PROGRAMFILES%\OneSpan\Digipass Authentication for IIS Basic\DIGIPASSPlugin_IIS_Basic.dll, and click OK.

  4. In the Configure Native Modules dialog, select Digipass Authentication for IIS Basic and click OK.

    Digipass Authentication for IIS Basic appears in the Modules list.

Alternatively, to prevent performance issues, you can register Digipass Authentication for IIS Basic for a specific website. To do so, remove Digipass Authentication for IIS Basic from the server’s Modules list and repeat the steps described in this section for each website you want to support Digipass authentication.

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