Example database structure
  • 16 Jan 2025
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Example database structure

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Résumé de l’article

Table: Example database tables contains a brief description of example database tables for the SDK.

  Table:  Example database tables
Table nameDescription
authentication_extensionsStores the data of the extensions used during the authentication session.
authentication_sessionsContains data used for the authentication process. This data allows you to connect two steps of the authentication and verify the information gathered.
authentication_sessions_allow_credentialsHolds the public key credential descriptors connected with the authentication session tables.
public_key_credential_descriptorsHolds the public key credential descriptors connected with the authentication session.
public_key_credential_descriptors_authenticator_transportsAdditional table for storing a collection of authenticator transports from the public key credential descriptor.
registration_extensionsStores extension data used during the registration session.
registration_extensions_authenticator_selectionsContains the collection of the authenticator selection (AAGUID) used during the authentication session.
registration_recordsContains data gathered during the registration process that is used further during an authentication. These are the user's registered credentials.
registration_records_authenticator_transportsAdditional table for storing authenticator transports from the registration records.
registration_sessionsContains data used for the registration process. This data allows you to connect two steps of the registration and verify the information gathered.
relying_partiesData that describes the relying party in the context of WebAuthn operations.
relying_parties_public_key_credential_descriptorsJoin table between relying_parties and public_key_credential_descriptors.
relying_parties_public_key_credential_parametersJoin table between relying_parties and public_key_credential_parameters.
rp_authentication_extensionsAuthentication extension data defined for the relying party.
rp_public_key_credential_descriptorsContains a collection of public key credential descriptors for the relying party.
rp_public_key_credential_descriptors_authenticator_transportsAdditional table for storing a collection of authenticator transports from the public key credential descriptor defined for the relying party.
rp_public_key_credential_parametersStores a collection of public key credential parameters for the relying party.
rp_public_key_credential_rp_entitiesContains a collection of public key credential rp entities for the relying party.
rp_registration_extensionsRegistration extension data defined for the relying party.
rp_registration_extensions_authenticator_selectionsStores a collection of authenticator selections (AAGUID) for the registration extension defined for the relying party.
user_dataRepresents user data in the context of registered credentials. Registration records are connected to this data.

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