Fast Reconnect
  • 16 Jan 2025
  • 1 Minute à lire
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Fast Reconnect

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Résumé de l’article

Wireless sessions may be renewed at regular intervals by using fast reconnect.

When a one-time password (OTP) authentication is performed, a session ID is assigned to the wireless connection. Fast reconnect uses that session ID to automatically re-authenticate the wireless connection rather than requiring user ID and OTP input from the user.

Fast reconnect (Overview)

Figure: Fast reconnect (Overview)

Fast reconnect authentication process

During a fast reconnect operation, the authentication process proceeds as follows:

  1. OneSpan Authentication Server identifies the client component. To allow fast reconnect, a record for the wireless access point that makes the fast reconnect request must exist in the data store.
  2. OneSpan Authentication Server retrieves the policy to use from the component record.
  3. OneSpan Authentication Server performs the following checks:

    • Windows username/domain resolution (if used)
    • Windows group check
    • Verify whether the user has a user account
    • Verify whether the user account is disabled or locked
  4. (OPTIONAL) If back-end authentication and stored password proxy are enabled, OneSpan Authentication Server verifies the stored static password with another system (e.g. Windows or RADIUS).
  5. The authentication result is audited and returned.

Roaming connections

Users are considered to be roaming if all of the following applies:

  • Multiple wireless access points are available.
  • The user may connect to more than one wireless access point.
  • The user will be moving from the range of one wireless access point to another.

A change from one wireless access point to the next can be made without inconvenience to the user if fast reconnect can be used between the access points.

Roaming connections are not supported over multiple OneSpan Authentication Server instances.

Fast reconnect will only work for roaming wireless connections if the following applies:

  • All wireless access points are sending authentication requests to the same OneSpan Authentication Server instance.
  • All component records for the wireless access points are using the same policy.
  • All wireless access points are configured to use the same SSID.
Roaming wireless fast reconnection

Figure: Roaming wireless fast reconnection

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.

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