  • 24 Feb 2025
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Résumé de l’article

You must have at least one target configured before you can add a filter (see Targets).

Table:  Server Configuration – System Monitoring (Filters)
Field nameDescription
NameA free form name to identify this filter.
TargetA target defined on the Targets tab.
Filter conditionA list of filter conditions (see Table: Server Configuration – System Monitoring (Filter conditions)).
Audit Message Types

The audit message type to be monitored.

The Filter condition section of each filter allows you to define which strings to monitor in the Field for each defined audit message types. Adding filter conditions will further narrow the audit messages that are monitored.

Table:  Server Configuration – System Monitoring (Filter conditions)
Field nameDescription
FieldSelect a field from the drop-down list.
ConditionSelect a condition from the drop-down list.
ValueEnter a value. This field does not support wildcards such as asterisks (*).

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