- 13 Jan 2025
- 1 Minute à lire
- Impression
- SombreLumière
Finalizing Pre-Installation
- Mis à jour le 13 Jan 2025
- 1 Minute à lire
- Impression
- SombreLumière
The items outlined in this topic must be finalized/resolved before beginning the installation process.
System clock
OneSpan Authentication Server requires that:
- The server time is set correctly related to GMT.
- The time zone and daylight savings indicators are set correctly.
All machines hosting OneSpan Authentication Server must be very closely clock-synchronized.
Java web server
To run the Administration Web Interface package, you will need a Java web server. You can use the web server that is supplied with Web Administration Service, or an already existing web server.
OneSpan Authentication Server supports the Administration Web Interface on Apache Tomcat and IBM WebSphere.
Serial number and contract ID
You need a product serial number and a company contract ID, unless you are installing an evaluation version of OneSpan Authentication Server. If these have not been issued to you, contact your OneSpan supplier.
License file
OneSpan Authentication Server can be licensed during or after installation. To license OneSpan Authentication Server, you need to obtain a license file from the OneSpan Customer Portal at https://cp.onespan.com/ .
To license the product during the installation, apply the license file during initial configuration using the Installation Wizard. Once a license file is obtained, copy it to the OneSpan Authentication Server installation directory.
To license the product after the installation, apply the license file using the Administration Web Interface.