getPreparedSecureChallenge (Command)
  • 16 Dec 2024
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getPreparedSecureChallenge (Command)

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Résumé de l’article

During the Push Notification authentication workflow (push and login), the mobile application must fetch the secure challenge with the getPreparedSecureChallenge command. The command requires the previously received challenge key to continue with the authentication process.

Only one application is allowed to retrieve the secure challenge for the given challenge key.


 Table:  getPreparedSecureChallenge input parameters
Parameter nameData typeDescription
componentTypeStringRequired. Specifies the component for which the secure challenge is to be retrieved.
serialNumberStringRequired. Serial number of the authenticator used for the authentication process.
challengeKeyStringRequired. The retrieved challenge key used to refer to the challenge generated during push and login.
 Table:  getPreparedSecureChallenge output parameters
Parameter nameData typeDescription

Required. The error stack, if applicable, which indicates that the command has not completed successfully. This also includes the result and status codes returned by the command.

resultGetPreparedSecureChallengeResultRequired. The output field for this command, returning information about the upgrade procedure as a Secure Channel message.

GetPreparedSecureChallengeResult (Data type)

 Table:  getPreparedSecureChallengeResult (Data type)
Parameter nameData typeDescription
RequestMessagehexBinaryRequired. The challenge as a Secure Channel message containing the retrieved challenge key used to refer to the challenge generated during push and login.


      <componentType>Push Notification Client</componentType>

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