Global Configuration – Session Management
  • 06 Jan 2025
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Global Configuration – Session Management

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Résumé de l’article

The SERVERS > Global Configuration > Session Management tab contains global configuration settings for the management of interactive administrative sessions.

Table: Global Configuration – Session Management tab
Field nameDescription
Administration Session
Max. Concurrent Sessions

The maximum number of interactive administrative sessions allowed to run at one time.

Default value: 200

Limit Concurrent Sessions per User

Determines if the number of interactive administrative sessions should be limited per user.

Default value: Disabled

Max. Concurrent Sessions per User

The maximum number of interactive administrative sessions allowed to run at one time for a particular user. Must be equal or greater than Max. Concurrent Sessions.

This option is only available if you enable Limit Concurrent Sessions per User.

Possible values: 1999

Default value: 1

If Concurrent Sessions per User Exceed Limit

This option specifies what should happen when a new session is initiated but the number of concurrent sessions for a particular user exceeds the limit given by Max. Concurrent Sessions per User.

This option is only available if you enable Limit Concurrent Sessions per User.

Possible values:

  • Invalidate oldest session. The oldest session will be forcefully expired, and a new session is created.
  • Prevent/deny logon. The user receives a logon error. New sessions cannot be created until another session is explicitly closed or expires automatically.

Default value: Invalidate oldest session

Max Session Time

The maximum time span an interactive administration session is allowed to run. This value is given in seconds. When the session time expires the session will automatically log off. The lower the value, the lower Max Concurrent Sessions can be set.

Default value: 86400

Idle Timeout

The time span before the session logs off when it is not being used. This value is given in seconds.

Default value: 900

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.

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