Handling Records and Pending Alerts
  • 22 Oct 2024
  • 1 Minute à lire
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Handling Records and Pending Alerts

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Résumé de l’article

Events, i.e. both, transactions and non-monetary events, are analyzed by defining rules. If an event matches a previously defined rule, an alert can be raised.

The next step after an alert is raised is to decide if an action is to be taken, and if it is to be taken in real time. Alternatively, the event that has matched a rule (or set of rules) can be placed in an alert category to be supervised or investigated at a later time and/or by a different person.

Pending alerts are handled in Risk Analytics Presentation Service—alert handling comprises the following:

  • Creating rules against which events are matched, and organizing and filtering these rules (see Design rules and actions).

  • Supervising record handling, investigating pending alerts, and managing risks and record relationships (see Supervise and investigate).

  • Auditing and reporting on matched events and workflow handling (see Audit and report).

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