Installing RADIUS Client Simulator
  • 22 Nov 2024
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Installing RADIUS Client Simulator

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Résumé de l’article

OneSpan RADIUS Client Simulator is a program that simulates RADIUS authentication and accounting processing in a similar fashion to RADIUS enabled network access server and firewall devices. RADIUS Client Simulator can be used to test user authentication, estimate RADIUS server performance, or test system overload.

To install RADIUS Client Simulator on a machine in the required domain

  1. Locate and run radius-client-simulator-4.2.0_x86.msi. This package is normally located in the Software\Windows\Utilities\RADIUS Client Simulator folder of the installation disk.

  2. Follow the instructions on the screen and complete the installation.

    If you chose the default destination folder, RADIUS Client Simulator will be installed in %PROGRAMFILES%\VASCO\RADIUS Client Simulator.

    RADIUS Client Simulator uses port 1812 for authentication requests and port 1813 for accounting requests, by default. Verify that these ports are not used by any other system components. In that case, configure RADIUS Client Simulator to other ports by setting the port values in the Auth. Port and Acct. Port fields in the RADIUS Client Simulator. Ensure that the ports are available through the firewall and that the RADIUS client is amended to use the same ports.

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