- 23 Oct 2024
- 2 Minutes à lire
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- SombreLumière
Integrate OneSpan Mobile Application Shielding
- Mis à jour le 23 Oct 2024
- 2 Minutes à lire
- Impression
- SombreLumière
OneSpan Mobile Application Shielding is available as a OneSpan SDK for Android and iOS applications. Integrating the OneSpan Mobile Application Shielding SDK in your application involves the following steps:
Configuring the application
Generating the application
Binding the application
Signing the application
Refer to the respective Android/iOS OneSpan Mobile Application Shielding Integration Guide for steps 1. - 3.
Signing the application
After binding your application with the OneSpan Mobile Application Shielding SDK, the final application needs to be re-signed prior to deployment. Depending on the device platform, different steps are necessary for re-signing the final application.
Signing the AAB binary for Android
To sign your Android binary, you need to follow the steps below.
Execute the following command:
jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA256withRSA -digestalg SHA-256 -keystore KEYSTORE-FILE-PATH -storepass KEYSTORE-PASSWORD -keypass PRIVATE-KEY-PASSWORDAAB-FILE-PATHALIAS-NAME
KEYSTORE-FILE-PATH is the path of the keystore which contains the private key used to sign your Android binary.
KEYSTORE-PASSWORD is the password that protects your keystore.
PRIVATE-KEY-PASSWORD is the password that protects your private key.
AAB-FILE-PATH is the path of the AAB file.
ALIAS-NAME is the name of the alias that represents the signer's private key and certificate data within the KeyStore.
Signing the APK application for Android
To sign your Android application, you need to follow the steps below.
Execute the following command:
CUSTOMIZATION-TOOL-PATH is the path of the Customization Tool.
OS is the operating system where the command is executed (LINUX, MAC or WINDOWS.exe).
APK-FILE-PATH-TO-ALIGN is the path of the APK file to align.
APK-FILE-PATH-FINAL is the path of the APK file ready to be signed.
Execute the following command:
CUSTOMIZATION-TOOL-PATH/lib/android/apksigner_OS sign --verbose --ks KEYSTORE-FILE-PATH --ks-key-alias ALIAS-NAME --ks-pass pass:KEYSTORE-PASSWORD --key-pass pass:PRIVATE-KEY-PASSWORDAPK-FILE-PATH
CUSTOMIZATION-TOOL-PATH is the path of the Customization Tool.
KEYSTORE-FILE-PATH is the path of the keystore which contains the private key used to sign your Android application.
ALIAS-NAME is the name of the alias that represents the signer's private key and certificate data within the KeyStore.
KEYSTORE-PASSWORD is the password that protects your keystore.
PRIVATE-KEY-PASSWORD is the password that protects your private key.
APK-FILE-PATH is the path of the aligned APK.
Signing the application for iOS
To re-sign the application, you need to extract the app folder from your IPA file. Convert this IPA file into a zip file:
Convert the IPA file into a zip file by exchanging the file name extensions.
Extract the content of the zip file. The app folder is located in the Payload folder.
Execute the following commands:
codesign --verbose --force --sign 'SIGNING-IDENTITY' APP-FOLDER-PATH/Frameworks/<BUNDLE-ID-SUFFIX>x.framework
codesign --verbose --force --sign 'SIGNING-IDENTITY' --entitlements XCENT-FILE-PATHAPP-FOLDER-PATHwhere:
SIGNING-IDENTITY is the name of the certificate used to sign your iOS application, as displayed in the Keychain Access application (e.g. iPhone Developer: FirstName LastName (xxxxxxxxxx)).
XCENT-FILE-PATH is the path of the XCENT file. The XCENT file is generated by the customization file and is located in release/ios.
APP-FOLDER-PATH is the path of the app folder bound with the OneSpan Mobile Application Shielding SDK by OneSpan. The application folder name has the format APPLICATION-NAME.app.
The certificate used to sign the application must be the same that was used when configuring the application via the the OneSpan Customer Portal.
Create a Payload folder and copy the app folder into this directory.
Compress the payload file and convert it by changing the file name extension to .ipa.