Integrate the Secure Messaging SDK Server Font Tables
  • 04 Dec 2024
  • 1 Minute à lire
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Integrate the Secure Messaging SDK Server Font Tables

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Résumé de l’article

To support various character encodings, the Secure Messaging SDK provides an interface to support up to four different encodings at the same time. You can select which tables to use; to do so, pass a set of the relevant table indexes to the SDK.

If you do not need to use all four available tables, set the unused table(s) to empty.

Be careful when you assign proper indexes for each table—an empty table cannot appear on an index at a lower position than any valid table index!

For more information about the technical implementation, refer to the technical documentation provided with the SDK.

For a description of the content of each provided table, see Secure Messaging SDK Server Font tables.

The default set includes the following tables:

  • ISO-8859-15

  • Katakana

  • Central and Eastern Europe

  • Greek

In addition to the default font tables, a font table for Turkish is also available.

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