Integrate the WBC SDK
  • 04 Dec 2024
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Integrate the WBC SDK

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Résumé de l’article


The following procedure allows you to integrate and use the WBC SDK in your Android project.

To use the WBC SDK in your Android project

  1. Link WBCSDK.aar from the OneSpan Mobile Security Suite package to your project's classpath.

  2. Add the file generated by the White-Box Table Generator to the assets folder of your project.

You are now ready to use the WBC SDK. For more information on the functions, refer to the API documentation.

Additional Considerations

The integration of the WBC SDK on Android can cause some performance issues on low-end devices, during the loading of the WBC tables.


White-Box Cryptography SDK provides native protocols for Objective-C and Swift.

The following procedure enables you to integrate and use the WBC SDK in your iOS project.

If you use the White-Box Cryptography SDK on the iOS Simulator, the following warning can be included in the logs:
libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:890: MGIsDeviceOneOfType is not supported on this platform.

You can ignore this warning!

To use the WBC SDK in your iOS project

  1. Link MSSWBC.xcframework from the OneSpan Mobile Security Suite package to your Xcode project (linked framework and libraries).

  2. Add the file generated by the White-Box Table Generator to your project and verify that file is included in the app bundle.

To see the Objective-C error codes mapped to Swift error cases, refer to the WBCErrorCodes enum in the SDK's public header MSSWBC-Swift.h.

You are now ready to use the WBC SDK. For more information on the functions, refer to the API documentation.

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