Integrating App Shielding
  • 15 Jan 2025
  • 1 Minute à lire
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Integrating App Shielding

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Résumé de l’article

The Shielding Tool is used to automatically integrate App Shielding with an existing Android application as a postcompilation operation. This can be performed on any Android application (.apk or .aab).

This Shielding Tool will modify the application with the following steps:

  1. Include App Shielding native libraries into the app.

  2. Include App Shielding Java code into the app.

  3. Inject code to load App Shielding once the app is started.

  4. Include App Shielding runtime configuration into the app.

In addition, the Shielding Tool will create Bindings between the app and App Shielding to prevent the app from functioning if App Shielding is removed ('repackaging'). The Shielding Tool can obfuscate the Java part of the application code.

The Shielding Tool can integrate one of the two different versions of App Shielding: a debug version or a release version.

Only the release version should be used for distributed apps.

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