Integrating OneSpan Authentication Suite Server SDK
  • 23 Jan 2025
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Integrating OneSpan Authentication Suite Server SDK

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Résumé de l’article

Certain libraries need to be transferred to integrate OneSpan Authentication Suite Server SDK. These files are located in the /bin folder of the PC-side installer.

Transferring libraries

  1. On the host, pre-allocate a temporary host SEQUENTIALdataset with the following DCB attributes:
    DSORG(PS), RECFM(FB), LRECL(80), BLKSIZE(any multiple of 80)
  2. Use any file transfer (IND$FILE or FTP) to transfer nnnnnn.xmito the temporary host dataset using the following options:
    BINARY, NO ASCII conversion, NO CR/LF management
  3. Enter the following command into the TSO command prompt:
    RECEIVE INDSN(temp sequential)

    The following message is displayed:

    INMR901I Dataset Q1.Q2.Q3 from userid on NODENAME
    INMR906A Enter restore parameters or 'DELETE' or 'END' +
  4. (OPTIONAL) Enter a target dsname for your PDS using the keyword DATASET and any other allocation option you wish.

You can change the PC-side xmi file extension in case you experience any issues. Because it has no impact whatsoever, you may use .bin or any other extension as well.

  Table: XMI files
Nnnnnn.XMI FilesContents
Samplib.xmiSample program sources in COBOL and PL1. See $README member for details.
StdLoad.xmiThe product library that contains all functions.
SpcLoad.xmiThe product library that runs in assembler emulation but does not provide any of the DPX-related (I/O) functions. Only verification functions are exported.

xxxx.Vxxx.SAMPLIB($README) contains a sample JCL and source file according to your environment, which demonstrate how to use the API.

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
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