Integration of Provisioning for Multi-Device Licensing Authenticators
  • 21 Oct 2024
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Integration of Provisioning for Multi-Device Licensing Authenticators

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Résumé de l’article

Intelligent Adaptive Authentication supports offline and online provisioning to activate a multi-device licensing (MDL) authenticator.

Offline MDL authenticator provisioning

For offline MDL authenticator provisioning, the integration method depends on whether Activation Message 1 (generated by Intelligent Adaptive Authentication) and the device code (generated on the client side) are generated before the registration session or as part of it.


Before you integrate offline MDL authenticator provisioning, ensure that the following prerequisites are met:

To integrate offline MDL authenticator provisioning when the device code has already been generated

  1. (Intelligent Adaptive Authentication) Generate Activation Message 1 via the POST /authenticators/{serialNumber}/generate-activation-message endpoint from the response.

  2. (Optional) (Intelligent Adaptive Authentication) If required, generate a Cronto message from the activation message via the GET /visualcodes/render endpoint.

  3. (Client) Based on the received activation message, activate the MDL license and generate the device code.

  4. (Intelligent Adaptive Authentication) Initiate a registration session via the POST /registrations endpoint. The following input fields and field values are mandatory:

    • activationType: offlineMDL

    • userID

    • staticPassword

    • deviceCode

    Retrieve registrationID and activationMessage2 from the response.

  5. (Optional) (Intelligent Adaptive Authentication) If required, generate a Cronto message from Activation Message 2 via the GET /visualcodes/render endpoint.

  6. (Client) Based on the received Activation Message 2, activate the MDL instance and generate a signature.

  7. (Intelligent Adaptive Authentication) Activate the authenticator instance via the POST /registrations/{registrationID}/activate endpoint. The following input is mandatory:

    • signature

To integrate offline MDL authenticator provisioning with device code generation during the registration session

  1. (Intelligent Adaptive Authentication) Initiate a registration session via the POST /registrations endpoint. The following input fields and field values are mandatory:

    • activationType: offlineMDL

    • userID

    • staticPassword

    Retrieve registrationID and activationMessage from the response.

  2. (Optional) (Intelligent Adaptive Authentication) If required, generate a Cronto message from the activation message via the GET /visualcodes/render endpoint.

  3. (Client) Based on the received activation message, activate the MDL license and generate the device code.

  4. (Intelligent Adaptive Authentication) Confirm the activation of the license via the POST ​/registrations​/{registrationID}​/add-device endpoint. The following input field is mandatory:

    • deviceCode

    Retrieve activationMessage2 from the response.

  5. (Optional) (Intelligent Adaptive Authentication) If required, generate a Cronto message from the activationMessage2 via the GET /visualcodes/render endpoint.

  6. (Client) Based on the received Activation Message 2, activate the MDL instance and generate a signature.

  7. (Intelligent Adaptive Authentication) Activate the authenticator instance via the POST /registrations/{registrationID}/activate endpoint. The following input is mandatory:

    • signature

Online MDLauthenticator provisioning

With online MDL provisioning, the required DSAPP-SRP operations are available through the OneSpan Trusted Identity platform API. During the activation process, an authenticator instance is created.


Before you integrate online MDL authenticator provisioning, ensure that the following prerequisites are met:

Registration and Activation Flow

Online MDL provisioning flow

Sequence of an online MDL authenticator provisioning flow

  1. The user initiates the online provisioning process on the client web application and enters a user ID and a static password.

  2. The Authentication component creates a provisioning session with the user ID and generates the activation password and the request ID.

  3. The client server verifies the registration ID and the activation password and calls the Visual Code service for a Cronto image to be generated.

  4. The user scans the Cronto image. This establishes the offline communication channel.

  5. To secure the online communication between the mobile application and Intelligent Adaptive Authentication, the mobile application generates the client ephemeral key.
    Based on the client ephemeral key, the server ephemeral key is generated via the POST /registrations/{registrationID}/generate-ephemeral-key endpoint. Mandatory input for this operation to succeed:

    • clientEphemeralKey

  6. The Provisioning Service receives the client ephemeral key and returns the server ephemeral key and a salt.

  7. The mobile application reads this and requests the activation message via the POST /registrations/{registrationID}/generate-activation-message endpoint.

  8. The mobile application receives Activation Message 1, uses it to activate the authenticator license, and generates a device code.

  9. The device code is used as input for the ​/registrations​/{registrationID}​/add-device endpoint. This endpoint adds and/or assigns the authenticator instance to the user account and generates Activation Message 2.

  10. The mobile device uses Activation Message 2 to activate the authenticator instance and generates a signature to finalize the registration process via the POST /registrations/{registrationID}/activate endpoint.

To integrate the online MDL provisioning flow

  1. Start the online provisioning process with a DSAPP-SRP registration via the POST /registrations endpoint.

    • Payload:

      • staticPassword

      • activationType

      • (Optional) domain

      • (Optional) serialNumber

    • Response payload:

      • activationPassword

      • registrationID

      • serialNumber

  2. To secure the online communication between the mobile application and Intelligent Adaptive Authentication, generate an ephemeral key (DSAPP-SRP) via the POST /registrations/{registrationID}/generate-ephemeral-key endpoint.

    • Payload:

      • clientEphemeralPublicKey

    • Response payload:

      • Salt

      • serverEphemeralPublicKey

    • Failure responses:

      • 400: The input is invalid.

      • 404: The registration session was not found.

      • 409: Incorrect activation type.

      • 500: Unexpected server error.

  3. Generate the activation message via the POST /registrations/{registrationID}/generate-activation-message endpoint.

    • Payload:

      • clientEvidenceMessage

    • Response payload:

      • activationMessage.encryptedData

      • activationMessage.encryptionCounter

      • activationMessage.MAC

      • serverEvidenceMessage

    • Failure responses:

      • 400: The input is invalid.

      • 404: The registration session was not found.

      • 409: Incorrect activation type or authenticator does not support activation.

      • 500: Unexpected server error.

  4. Add an MDL device via the POST /registrations/{registrationID}/add-device endpoint.

    • Payload:

      • deviceCode

    • Response payload:

      • activationMessage2

      • activationType

      • deviceStatus

      • deviceType

      • domain

      • registrationID

      • serialNumber

      • userID

  5. Activate MDL via the POST /registrations/{registrationID}/activate endpoint.

    • Payload:

      • signature

    • Response payload:

      • userID

      • domain

      • serialNumber

  6. (Optional) Update the device Push Notification Identifier (PNID) via the POST /users/{userID@domain}/authenticators/{serialNumber}/update-pnid endpoint.

    • Payload:

      • encryptedMessage

    • Failure responses:

      • 400: The input is invalid.

      • 404: The user account or authenticator was not found.

      • 409: Failed to update the PNID for the authenticator.

      • 500: Unexpected server error.

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
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