- 23 Jan 2025
- 1 Minute à lire
- Impression
- SombreLumière
- Mis à jour le 23 Jan 2025
- 1 Minute à lire
- Impression
- SombreLumière
Welcome to the OneSpan Authentication Suite Server SDK for HSM Module Management for Entrust nShield HSM.
Authentication Suite Server SDK for HSM provides an even higher level of security than the software Authentication Suite Server SDK. Authentication Suite Server SDK for HSM consists of the following modules:
- Authentication Suite Server SDK host API
- Authentication Suite Server SDK HSM module
The non-sensitive functionalities of Authentication Suite Server SDK for HSM use the host API without accessing the HSM. The sensitive functionalities use both the host API and the Authentication Suite Server SDK HSM module.
Before using Authentication Suite Server SDK for Entrust nShield HSM, you need to upload the Authentication Suite Server SDK HSM module to the HSM (Entrust nShield Connect or Entrust nShield Solo). This module is referred to as SEE machine as it runs in the Secure Execution Engine (SEE) of the Entrust nShield Connect/Solo HSM.
This document provides information about:
- Authentication Suite Server SDK SEE machine upload to the HSM
- HSM communication management
- Using the Authentication Suite Server SDK SEE machine
This document does not provide:
- Information about the functions necessary to implement Digipass strong authentication (refer to the OneSpan Authentication Suite Server SDKC-C++ Programmer's Guide).
- Information about the functions necessary to use Authentication Suite Server SDK with a hardware security module (refer to the OneSpan Authentication Suite Server SDK for HSMC-C++ Programmer's Guide).
- Information about key management (refer to the OneSpan Authentication Suite Server SDK Key Management for Entrust nShield HSM).
This document assumes that you have thorough knowledge of the following products:
- OneSpan Authentication Suite Server SDK for HSM
- Entrust nShield hardware security module
- Entrust nShield software packages: Entrust CipherTools/Entrust CodeSafe toolkit
As of version 4.0, OneSpan Authentication Server Framework has been renamed to Authentication Suite Server SDK. If not explicitly stated otherwise, any information and references to OneSpan Authentication Server Framework or VACMAN Controller also apply to Authentication Suite Server SDK.