List OneSpan Authentication Server instances
- 09 Jan 2025
- 1 Minute à lire
- SombreLumière
List OneSpan Authentication Server instances
- Mis à jour le 09 Jan 2025
- 1 Minute à lire
- SombreLumière
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This page allows you to manage the OneSpan Authentication Server records in your data store.
Record changes (add, change, delete) will not take effect immediately on all OneSpan Authentication Server instances unless replication is used to synchronize the instances. If replication is not used, changes to records will take effect when each instance is restarted, once the change is available to it in its data store. Alternatively, if there is no restart, the record cache will refresh from the data store approximately every 15 minutes.
Field name | Description |
Location | IP address of the OneSpan Authentication Server instance. |
Policy ID | The policy that governs the OneSpan Authentication Server. Click Edit to change the policy. |
Created | Read-only. The date and time that the record was created. |
Modified | Read-only. The date and time that the record was last modified. |
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