Logging and Debugging
  • 25 Oct 2024
  • 1 Minute à lire
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Logging and Debugging

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Résumé de l’article

ForgeRock Access Management provides logging capability to capture various activity information in debug logs. You can use those debug logs to troubleshoot issues.

From the ForgeRock Landing Service you can access the Debug page to configure debug logging. You can set the debug level for various categories. The debug level determines what type of data should be captured.

  • Error. Captures only events that indicate an error.

  • Warning. Captures errors and warnings that can indicate potential issues.

  • Message. Captures errors, warnings, and informational messages.

The debug category determines the different modules and classes of ForgeRock Access Management. You can set the debug level for each debug category separately. This allows you to isolate parts of the system if you suspect the root cause of an issue in a particular module or class.

To configure the debug level for different debug categories

  1. From the ForgeRock Landing Service, open the Debug page.

  2. If required, type the AM administrator credentials.

  3. Select the debug category to set the debug level from the Category list.

  4. Select the debug level to set in the Level list.

    The Level list always shows Error as the debug level for each category, regardless of the actual setting.

  5. Click Submit.

To view the debug logs

  1. From the ForgeRock Landing Service, open the Log Viewer page.

  2. Choose a link from the sidebar to view the log file for the respective debug category.

  3. Click Refresh File to retrieve the latest changes if you are currently investigating an issue.

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