Manage data protection on iOS
  • 23 Oct 2024
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Manage data protection on iOS

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Résumé de l’article

For iOS, we are using the Secure Enclave feature. If the application's bundle ID of the keychain order changes between versions, the Secure Storage will not be able to retrieve the information stored in the Secure Enclave.

When you set up app IDs on the Apple developer website, you can choose the protection level required to access your files. You can choose from four types of data protection:

  • No Protection: The file is always accessible.

  • Complete until first user authentication: (Default) The file is inaccessible until the user unlocks the device for the first time. After the device has been unlocked for the first time, the file remains accessible until the device shuts down or reboots.

  • Complete unless open: You can open existing files only when the device is unlocked. If you have a file already open, you may continue to access that file even after the user locks the device. You can also create new files and access them while the device is locked or unlocked.

  • Complete: The file is accessible only when the device is unlocked.

While data is protected, the Secure Storage SDK will not operate successfully and will throw a DATA_LOCKED exception accordingly. For more information about this, refer to the technical documentation included in the product package.

For more information about data protection on iOS, visit the Apple documentation website.

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
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