Managing Event Notifications
  • 08 Oct 2024
  • 2 Minutes à lire
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Managing Event Notifications

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Résumé de l’article

To access the Event Notifications page:

  • Click Admin > Event Notifications.

OneSpan Sign enables integrators to be automatically notified of events that concern their account. On selected events, the system automatically issues messages to a destination of the integrator's choice. Before OneSpan Sign notifies you of an event, you must register to be notified of it.

To configure Event Notifications on your account:

  1. Click Admin > Event Notifications.

  2. Enter a Callback URL. This is a required field.

  3. Select your Authentication Method. Depending on the method selected different configurations can be set:

    1. None: Only a Callback URL is required.

    2. Basic: Enter a secure Callback Key.

    3. OAuth2.0: If OAuth 2.0 is select, then additional configurations are required:

      • Client ID: This is configured in your authorization server for the application.

      • Client Secret: This is configured in your authorization server for the application.

      • Authorization Server URL: The URL of your authorization server for the application.

      • Scope: Used to limit access to an account, configured in the authorization server for the application. This information should be provided by the user.

  4. Optionally, toggle on the event types, Account or Participant generated, for which you want to be notified. By default, notifications for all event types are disabled.

  5. Click Save.

If you've changed your mind, and want to disable all event notifications, click REVERT.

If you would like to enable Event Notification using OAuth Refresh Token Flow you must do so using an API. Note that we currently only support this method on Salesforce.

Account Generated Events

The following events are generated from within an account:

Generated within account


Template created

A new template has been created.

Transaction created

A transaction has been created.

Transaction deleted

A transaction has been permanently deleted from the Trashed folder.

Transaction activated

A transaction has been sent.

Transaction deactivated

The transaction's status changed from SENT to DRAFT.

Transaction ready for completion

A transaction was marked as DO_NOT_AUTOCOMPLETE, and has been signed by all signers. Completion of the transaction requires an action by the sender.

Video recordings ready

After all signers have finished signing a Virtual Room transaction, the recorded session is processed. Once the recordings are ready to download, this notification is sent.

Transaction expired

A transaction has exceeded its expiry date.

Transaction trashed

A transaction was moved to the Trashed folder.

Transaction archived

A transaction has been completed and changed to the Archived status. Archived transactions no longer appear in the user's inbox or dashboard.

Transaction restored

The status of an archived transaction has been changed.

Participant Generated Events

The following events are generated by a participant:

Generated by participants


Email bounce

An email bounce has occurred.

Recipient locked

A recipient has been locked out, due to repeated authentication failures.

KBA failure

There has been a KBA authentication failure.

Role reassigned

A recipient has delegated their signature to another signer.

Transaction attachment added

A recipient uploaded an attachment.

Transaction declined

A recipient has declined to sign the transaction. The notification includes the recipient's reason for declining.

Document viewed

A transaction's document has been viewed.

Co-browse Request

A request for a co-browsing session has been made.

Document signed

A document is signed, and the electronic consent and disclosure agreement has been accepted.

Recipient completed signing

A recipient has completed signing all documents.

Transaction completed

A transaction has been completed by all signers, and the sender has completed the transaction.

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