- 28 Oct 2024
- 2 Minutes à lire
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- SombreLumière
Version 5.7.2 (August 2023)
- Mis à jour le 28 Oct 2024
- 2 Minutes à lire
- Impression
- SombreLumière
Supported platform versions
App Shielding version 5.7.2 was successfully tested with Android 13.
Android 4.4 (API level 19) – Android 13 (API level 33).
Shielding Tool:
Windows 10: 64-bit Java 17
Mac OSX (10.9+)
Ubuntu Linux 20.04 LTS or 22.04 LTS
ShieldGradlePlugin version 2.0 and later are supported. ShieldGradlePlugin version 2 supports Android App Bundles and newer Android build versions.
Google has announced that the next Android Native Development Kit (NDK) (r26) will no longer support KitKat (API levels 19 and 20). The minimum version supported by the NDK for r26 will be Lollipop (API level 21).
App Shielding will switch to NDK r26 after its release as LTS version which is expected for Q3 2023.
Android platform updates
The Android minimum supported version is Lollipop-5.0 (API level 21).
This version of App Shielding supports Android 14 beta 5 (API level 34).
As of July 1, 2022, App Shielding for Android version and earlier are no longer supported. For more information, refer to the OneSpan Customer Portal.
Fixes and other changes
RASP-2935: Increased APK size for shielding
Description: The size limit for uploading an APK has been increased to 4 GB.
SHAND-3532: Improved untrusted keyboard detection
Description: On Android 13 or later it was possible to switch from a trusted to an untrusted keyboard while editing a text in the app without App Shielding noticing the change.
Status: This issue has been fixed. App Shielding now detects such a change.
SHAND-3557: Improved LSPosed detection
Description: The LSPosed detection has been improved, this is now part of the App Shielding hooking framework detection.
SHAND-3564: Improved PIPL integration
Description: If PIPL support is activated (that is, <PIPLSupport v="true" /> in the App Shielding configuration file, config.xml) and the application had only two activities (one consent activity followed by the main application activity) then some of the App Shielding security checks may not have been triggered when opening the main application activity. This has been improved to ensure that all enabled security checks are started after the consent activity.
Known limitations
The limitations described here have not yet been solved for the current Mobile Application Shielding version. Possible workarounds are described where available.
Android App Bundles
The OneSpan Customer Portal support for Android App Bundles does not yet include instant-enabled app bundles.
Detection of root hiding tool on new Android versions
Due to the nature of root hiding tools and the increasing restrictions Android imposes on applications as of Android 9, OneSpan Mobile Application Shielding may not be able to reliably detect a rooted device that uses root hiding tools.