Version 5.0.2 (November 2022)
  • 28 Oct 2024
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Version 5.0.2 (November 2022)

  • Sombre
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Résumé de l’article

Supported platform versions

  • iOS 11.0 – iOS 16

    With the end of support for iOS 9.0, support for 32-bit architectures also ends.

  • iPadOS 16

  • Xcode 12 and later. We recommend using the latest stable version of Xcode, currently 14.1.

iOS platform updates

App Shielding version 5.0.2 is compatible with iOS/iPadOS 16.

As of July 1, 2022, App Shielding for iOS version and earlier are no longer supported. For more information, refer to the OneSpan Customer Portal at

Fixes and other changes

SHIOS-2144: Updates expected TestFlight leaf certificate hash

Description: In less than 90 days the TestFlight leaf certificate will expire. Apple is now using a new TestFlight leaf certificate that App Shielding now trusts instead.

Status: The workaround is no longer needed to stop App Shielding from detecting TestFlight releases as repackaged.

SHIOS-1287: Build libshield for arm64 simulator

Description: The arm64 architecture was added to the App Shielding framework.

SHIOS-2134: Binding issue with iOS apps running on macOS

Description: When running a shielded macOS/Catalyst/iOS app on macOS, in some cases the applications were unexpectedly terminating on startup. Specifically, this was an issue when the configuration option binaryBindingVersion set to 2, when the app was compiled with the minimum iOS version set to 13.4 or later, or the minimum macOS version was set to 12.0.

Status: This issue has been fixed.

Known limitations

The limitations described here have not yet been solved for the current Mobile Application Shielding version. Possible workarounds are described where available.

XCFramework support

App Shielding is provided both as framework and as XCFramework. If you are using a legacy build system on Xcode 11 and later, use the ShieldSDK.framework instead of the newer ShieldSDK.xcframework. Xcode will cause an error when using the XCFramework in the legacy build system.

ARM64E limited support

The ShieldSDK framework is not compiled for the ARM64E CPU architecture, and therefore does not include the corresponding slices. ARM64 CPU ABI should be used instead. At the moment, Xcode 11 does not create an ARM64E target by default. Consequently, no action is required at this point.

External screen block

Blocking external screens (e.g. AirPlay) is currently not working for apps that use UISceneDelegate in iOS 13 and later.

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