May 2021
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May 2021

  • Sombre
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Résumé de l’article

New features and enhancements—supported use cases

Identify authenticator instances with descriptions

To facilitate the identification of authenticator instances, e.g. when instances are deleted, Intelligent Adaptive Authentication now provides the possibility to add an instance description.

This feature applies to multi-device licensing (MDL) authenticators and instances only.

Until now, authenticator instances could only be identified by their number. As a result, it was difficult to verify what the instance represents, to identify the device to which the relevant instance belongs, and to delete the correct instance. With the description, it is now possible to mark an instance according to its connection to the specific authenticator. You can update the description and use it as a criterion for authenticator queries.

The description is exposed on the TID platform API.

These are the API endpoints to add a description to an authenticator:

This is the API endpoint to update the description:

The description field is limited to a maximum of 255 characters.

Fixes and other changes

Issue OAS-7572 (Support Case CS0052820): No correlation ID for logs from data collector

The correlation ID is not logged for entries from the data collector component that is used by Intelligent Adaptive Authentication for risk analysis.

Status: This issue has been fixed. The fix improves the traceability of Intelligent Adaptive Authentication processes and allows to filter logs by correlation ID.

Issue OAS-7419 (Support Case CS0047407): Wrong error message when requesting virtual OTP via email or SMS

If an email address or phone number has not been assigned to a user in the Administration Web Interface or the REST API, a wrong error message is issued when a virtual OTP is requested via email or SMS.

Status: This issue has been fixed.

Issue OAS-7003 (Support Case CS0049073): Unknown HTTP-500 internal server errors

Intelligent Adaptive Authentication throws unknown HTTP-500 internal server errors when the POST /users/{userID@domain}/events/validate and the POST /users/{userID@domain}/transactions/validate endpoints trigger an orchestration flow while the user is locked, e.g. because of too many failed logon attempts.

Status: This issue has been fixed.

Orchestration SDK—supported versions

Intelligent Adaptive Authentication supports the following versions of the Orchestration SDK Client:

  • 5.3.1

  • 5.3.0

  • 5.2.0

  • 5.0.2

  • 4.24.4

  • 4.24.2

  • 4.23.0

  • 4.21.1

  • 4.20.2

  • 4.19.3

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.

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