MDL Device Registration
  • 13 Dec 2024
  • 1 Minute à lire
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MDL Device Registration

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Résumé de l’article

The multi-device licensing (MDL) device registration operation enables a user to register a new device with OneSpan Authentication Server. The device must include authenticator software and/or firmware that is compliant with the multi-device licensing (MDL) model.

The MDL device registration operation is the second step in the MDL provisioning process. This operation verifies the device code generated by the authenticator based on Activation Message 1. It creates a new authenticator instance for the authenticator license and returns Activation Message 2, which must then be transferred to the authenticator to create the authenticator instance on that device. This operation is optionally followed by the MDL activation operation (see MDL activation).

Activation Message 2 must be transferred to the authenticator. This can be done encoded as a QR code or a color QR code, which the user scans with the camera of the device.

To execute this operation, the registered client application needs to send a provisioningExecute SOAP command to OneSpan Authentication Server, where the value for the cmd element is PROVISIONCMD_MDL_ADD_DEVICE.

At a minimum, this SOAP command requires the following set of field attributes to perform this operation:


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