• 10 Jan 2025
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Résumé de l’article

SNMP uses an MIB as a data store. OneSpan Authentication Server supports a number of MIB modules (also referred to as MIBs).

The MIB files can be found in:

  • %PROGRAMFILES%\VASCO\IDENTIKEY Authentication Server\mibs on Microsoft Windows
  • /opt/vasco/ias/mibs on Linux

Please refer to the documentation for your SNMP manager for instructions on how to install these MIB modules.

MIB table

Table: MIB table provides an overview of the MIBs used in OneSpan Authentication Server.

Table:  MIB table
MIB nameFunction
VASCO-MIBDefines the high-level structure of the OneSpan Enterprise MIB. It provides the main structure in which all the OneSpan product MIBs can be placed. It includes global definitions valid for all OneSpan products.
VASCO-IDENTIKEY-MIBDefines all data pertaining to OneSpan Authentication Server.
VASCO-IDENTIKEY-SCENARIO-MIBDefines all data for scenarios for OneSpan products.
VASCO-IDENTIKEY-DATAMODEL-MIBThe OneSpan Authentication Server data model MIB. It contains a very basic counter based view on the interaction with the database.
VASCO-IDENTIKEY-CRYPTO-MIBDefines the crypto key information for OneSpan Authentication Server.
VASCO-IDENTIKEY-COMMUNICATOR-SOAP-MIBDefines the SOAP communicator information for OneSpan Authentication Server.
VASCO-IDENTIKEY-COMMUNICATOR-SEAL-MIBDefines the SEAL communicator information for OneSpan Authentication Server.
RADIUS-AUTH-CLIENT-MIBFor entities implementing the client-side of the RADIUS authentication protocol.
RADIUS-AUTH-SERVER-MIBFor entities implementing the server-side of the RADIUS authentication protocol.

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