Modifying the ODBC Database Structure As Required
  • 25 Feb 2025
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Modifying the ODBC Database Structure As Required

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Résumé de l’article

If you are using a custom ODBC database instead of the embedded MariaDB database, you need to manually set up the database schema required for OneSpan Authentication Server. To do so, use the addschema command of the dpdbadmin utility.

OneSpan Authentication Server requires any of the following:

  • A database administrator account for the database.
  • Ownership of the OneSpan tables.
  • Permissions to insert, remove, read, and modify rows in OneSpan tables.

This is set up automatically if you choose to use the embedded MariaDB database. For more information about permissions required for administration tasks, refer to the OneSpan Authentication Server Administrator Reference.

Before you perform the following procedure, ensure that it is possible for the dbusername account to reference the tables by name without a schema prefix.

To manually apply the required schema to custom ODBC databases (Windows)

  1. Copy dpdbadmin.exeto the computer from which the database can be accessed.

    You can retrieve dpdbadmin.exe from the product installation CD or the installation folder (by default %PROGRAMFILES%\VASCO\IDENTIKEY Authentication Server).

  2. Create an ODBC data source for the database on the computer, if one does not currently exist.
  3. Open a command prompt and navigate to the location to which dpdbadmin.exe was copied.
  4. From there, run the following command:

    dpdbadmin addschema –u dbusername –p dbpassword -d dsn


    • dbusername is the user name of the database administrator account.
    • dbpassword is the corresponding password of dbusername.
    • dsn is the ODBC data source name.

To extend the data store schema (Linux)

  1. Open a terminal window.
  2. Run the following command:

    dpdbadmin addschema –u dbusername –p dbpassword -d dsn


    • dbusername is the user name of the database administrator account.
    • dbpassword is the corresponding password of dbusername.
    • dsn is the ODBC data source name.

The progress and success/failure of the command will be displayed in the terminal window. If there was a failure, it can be run again after the problem has been fixed.

After performing an ODBC data store extension, you can use the checkschema command to check whether the schema updates have been completed. For more information about checkschema, see Verifying schema updates.

For more information about dpdbadmin addschema, see dpdbadmin addschema.

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
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