Monitoring OneSpan Authentication Server With SNMP
  • 07 Jan 2025
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Monitoring OneSpan Authentication Server With SNMP

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Résumé de l’article

The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is an internet standard protocol used to manage components on an IP network. Its main use is to monitor components in the network for messages that indicate that components require administrative attention. SNMP can be used for system and performance monitoring. Net-SNMP is a software suite to use and deploy the SNMP protocol.

SNMP typically uses administrative machines which are referred to as managers. They monitor a group of components (computers, other devices) on a computer network. An agent is operated at all times on a managed network. This agent, which is a piece of software, reports events back to the applicable Manager via SNMP.

OneSpan Authentication Server does not ship with a predefined set of events for which notifications can be sent out via SNMP traps. Via the Administration Web Interface or the Configuration Utility, server administrators can define their own set of events for which they want OneSpan Authentication Server to send out notifications. These OneSpan Authentication Server events, raised via SNMP traps, are called security alerts. OneSpan Authentication Server uses a OneSpan vendor-specific SNMP trap definition to send out SNMP traps for these security alerts.

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