Digipass properties
  • 23 Oct 2024
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Digipass properties

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For easier Digipass management, the Digipass properties are described in Digipass properties and Application properties.

Digipass properties




This is the version of the static vector used to configure the Digipass authenticator.


The Digipass status can be one of the following:

  • Not activated. The Digipass authenticator has not been activated.

  • Activated. The Digipass authenticator is activated and generates valid OTPs.

  • Locked. The reset penalty has been applied, the Digipass authenticator must be re-activated.

  • Generate invalid OTP. The generate-invalid-OTP penalty has been applied.

Serial number

Serial number of the Digipass instance.

Sequence number

Sequence number of the Digipass instance activated in multi-device mode.

Password minimum length

Minimum length of the password to use for password protection.

Password maximum length

Maximum length of the password to use for password protection.

Weak password control

Indicates if weak passwords are rejected.

Password check level

Validation level applied to Digipass passwords.

Possible values:

  • no check

  • checksum

  • hash

Password penalty

Penalty applied once the password penalty counter is reached: reset secret or generate invalid OTP.

Password penalty initial value

Initial value of the penalty counter.

Password penalty counter

Number of remaining wrong password entries before the password penalty is applied.

Token derivation supported

Indicates if the Digipass authenticator supports the token derivation feature.

High security

Indicates if the Digipass authenticator uses a single-length or double-length activation code.

Activation code format

Indicates if the activation code uses a decimal or hexadecimal character set.

Activation code checksum

Indicates if the activation code uses a checksum.

Number of cryptographic applications

Indicates the number of cryptographic applications supported by the Digipass authenticator.

Digipass UTC time

Indicates the UTC time as retrieved by the Digipass authenticator from the host.

Password Mandatory

Indicates if the Digipass authenticator must be protected by a user password.

Password Protected

Indicates if the Digipass authenticator is protected by a user password.

Secure Channel enabled

Indicates if the Digipass authenticator has been activated with a payload key.

Device Type

Indicates the type of the platform used to activate  the Digipass authenticator.

Device ID Bits number

Indicates the number of bits from the platform fingerprint used in the device code.

Application properties




Index of the applications from 1 to 8.


Name of the application as defined in the Digipass configuration.


Indicates if the application is enabled or disabled. Only enabled applications of an activated Digipass instance can generate responses.

Response length

Length of the response generated by the cryptographic application.

Response check digit

Indicates if the response uses a check digit.

Return host code length

Length of the host code generated by the cryptographic application.

Number of data fields supported

Number of data fields used by the application.

Data field minimum length

Minimum length of each data field.

Data field maximum length

Maximum length of each data field.

Event value

Event counter value of the last generated response.

Last time used

Time value of the last generated response.

Digipass time-based

Indicates if the Digipass authenticator uses time-based applications.

Digipass event-based

Indicates if the Digipass authenticator uses event-based applications.

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.

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