Version 4.32.0
  • 27 Oct 2024
  • 1 Minute à lire
  • Sombre
  • PDF

Version 4.32.0

  • Sombre
  • PDF

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Résumé de l’article

New features and enhancements


The Notification SDK Server has been re-factored to modernize and improve the code resulting in the following changes. We recommend that you review your integrations to make sure these changes are reflected in your code.

General changes

  • Added the INotificationSDKServer interface

  • Renamed namespace from Com.Vasco to OneSpan

  • Added C# XML comments

These code changes will require some changes to your integration setup. For more information on the changes you need to make, refer to the instructions how to use the Notification SDK Server in your .NET project in Integrate the Notification SDK Server.

Fixes and other updates


[MSS-8654] Error during sending of a notification

When sending a notification, the SDK threw an error, stating that the file or assembly could not be loaded. This was caused by an issue during the launch of the .NET server. This issue has been fixed.


[MSS-8136] Error due to expired certificate

Due to an expired certificate, an error occurred when sending a Java notification. This issue has been fixed.

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