  • 22 Jan 2025
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Résumé de l’article

Defines the signer certificate(s) that App Shielding trusts when checking for repackaging. That is, App Shielding assumes the app has been repackaged if the certificate used to sign the app does not match any of the given certificates here. To configure App Shielding to trust multiple certificates, add a separate applicationSignerCertificate option for each certificate.

The value for this option can be the PEM or Base64-encoded DER version of the certificate (see below for examples), or one of the following special aliases:

  • auto

    Default value. Resolves to the signing certificate configured for the Shielding Tool if the Shielding Tool will sign the target app. For more information, see Signing the application. If the Shielding Tool will not sign the app, then the original certificate is used. Otherwise, an error is thrown.

  • original

    Inserts the original certificate, if the original application is already signed. If the application is not signed, or the Shielding Tool fails to extract the certificate, an error is thrown.

  • Type: certificate

  • Default Value: auto

  • Multiple allowed: Yes

  • Required: Yes


The format of this field can be PEM as shown above, or the Base64 encoded DER version of the certificate without any form of white space.

The certificate can be exported in the following manner depending on how your certificate is stored.

  • Java keystore: If you have your certificate in a Java keystore, use the following command to export the certificate:

    keytool -keystore filename.jks -storepass password -alias name -exportcert -rfc
  • Existing Apk file: In order to obtain this string from an existing signed .apk-file, extract the relevant certificate from the META-INF/ directory of the APK. The file name should have an .RSA or .DSA extension.

    Format the certificate using the following OpenSSL command:

    openssl pkcs7 -inform DER -text -print_certs -in file.RSA
  • Google Play Signing: If you are using Google Play signing, download the App signing key certificate from Google Play Console, and format it using the following OpenSSL command:

    openssl x509 -inform DER -outform PEM -in deployment_cert.der

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