Binding mechanisms
  • 22 Jan 2025
  • 1 Minute à lire
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Binding mechanisms

  • Sombre
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Résumé de l’article

There are two types of binding mechanisms used, and the integration process  will  randomize  the mechanism used for each individual constant.

Push binding: This is used on static class fields. On the first usage of a Java class, constants values will be pushed by App Shielding to the class field values.

Pull binding: The code that uses a constant is rewritten to fetch the constant from App Shielding at runtime using a method call.

The push-bindings of a single class are all initialized once a class is used, and they are available to the application during its entire run-time. The pull-bindings are always fetched on-demand when needed, and this transfers control from the application logic to App Shielding in order to perform runtime checks of the app security which need to pass before the value is returned.

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