CallbackData class
  • 22 Jan 2025
  • 1 Minute à lire
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CallbackData class

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Résumé de l’article

The CallbackData class serves as a base class for other classes that contain data for specific callbacks. These inherited classes reside in the no.promon.shield.callbacks package and have a ...Data suffix, for example RootingData or RepackagingData.

Each callback has a type, represented by enumCallbackType and is available via the CallbackData.getCallbackType() method call. Based on the return value of the CallbackData.getCallbackType() call, the callback handler can cast the CallbackData object to the correct descending type that contains the data for the callback.

For example, if CallbackData.getCallbackType() returns CallbackType.ROOTING, the callback handler should cast the CallbackData object to a RootingData object. Next, you can get information specific to the ROOTING callback by using methods of the RootingData class.

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