Command line options
  • 22 Jan 2025
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Command line options

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Résumé de l’article

Additional options that can be used for the Shielding Tool:

Command line options

List of command line options




Prints a summary of available options and exits.


Prints the Shielding Tool version number and exits.


Displays the unique key ID of the Shielding Tool version and exits.


App Shielding security configuration xml file, usually a tailored version based on config-template.xml


Shielding Tool rules are loaded from this file. These rules specify how the Shielding Tool obfuscates, binds and protects the application.

--output<path> (or -o <path>)

Output directory for generated files, or output filename for the .apk or .aab app bundle.


Protect the application with debug mode.


Combines the output mapping.txt file with the specified ProGuard mapping file.

--output-mappingmapping.txt (or -m path)

Output filename or directory for the generated mapping file.


Disable Shielding Tool diagnostics and performance telemetry collection.


Do not generate push bindings. This may speed up application launch time at the cost of security degradation, and should only be used if application launch is extremely slow.


Reduce the number of bindings per class to a minimum.


Reduce the number of bindings per method to a minimum.


Check if the given app is integrated with App Shielding.

--arch <arch>

Comma-separated list of architectures that should be included in the final app.

Supported architectures are:

  • armeabi-v7a

  • arm64-v8a

  • x86

  • x86_64

If auto or nothing is specified, the Shielding Tool determines the set of included architectures by inspecting existing native libraries in the application.


Do not include App Shielding for the armeabi-v7a CPU architecture. This reduces APK size.


Do not include App Shielding for the arm64-v8a CPU architecture (64-bit). This reduces APK size.


Do not include App Shielding for x86 CPU architectures. This reduces APK size.


Do not include App Shielding for the x86_64 CPU architectures (64-bit). This reduces APK size.

--keystore <file.jks>

Sign the app using this Java keystore file (JKS file).

--storepass <password>

JKS password (see --keystore).

--keyname <alias>

JKS key name/alias (see --keystore).

--keypass <password>

JKS key password, if not specified the storepass is used. (see --keystore).

--digestalg <alg>

Cryptographic hash algorithm used when signing the app. Possible values SHA1 or SHA256 (recommended).

--sigalg <alg>

Algorithm used for signing the app. Possible values SHA1withRSA or SHA256withRSA (recommended).


-config<file> (or -u <file>)

Create an App Shielding configuration file to be used for post-deployment configuration updates. For more information, see App Shielding Updatable Configuration Specification.

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