Include App Shielding Java code
  • 22 Jan 2025
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Include App Shielding Java code

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Résumé de l’article

The App Shielding Java-code is also added to the application, this code consists primarily of the code necessary to load the correct native library for the currently executing architecture (e.g., lib/arm64-v8a/, and other supporting APIs for the app to interact with the native library.  

The following Java-classes are added to the application:

  • no.promon.shield.AppMonitor

  • no.promon.shield.Binding

  • no.promon.shield.LibStarter

  • no.promon.shield.Report

These classes will by default be obfuscated, and they will thus be named differently.

App Shielding Java classes

Java class



The AppMonitor class extends the If the application does not have an application class, the application class of the application is going to be AppMonitor. If the application has its own application class, and it exists in the code, then the top super class of the original application class is going to be AppMonitor.


The Binding class is used for bindings, see Binding for more information about binding.


The LibShieldStarter is the class that loads the native library (e.g. into the app.


The Report class provides a mechanism for the native App Shielding library to communicate extended shutdown information to the runtime virtual machine (Dalvik/Art) if the application will be aborted due to a security problem.

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