Launch performance
  • 22 Jan 2025
  • 1 Minute à lire
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Launch performance

  • Sombre
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Résumé de l’article

With very large apps, launch times can suffer from having a very large number of bindings. The purpose of binding is first and foremost to ensure that the app cannot be decoupled from App Shielding to run the app in a less secure manner. However, after a certain point of adding bindings, no real value or benefit is added from a security point of view.

If the app becomes too slow during launch, the following options can be explored to reduce the number of bindings extracted:


The options to limit bindings per class and method minimize the number of bindings per class and method, respectively, ensuring that there is at least one such binding. This will reduce the number of bindings significantly for most apps, and at the same time retain a good distribution of bindings.

The downside of using these options is that constants such as strings are not as aggressively removed from the code, which reduces the obfuscation side-effect of binding.

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