preventSystemScreenshotImagePath [OBSOLETE]
  • 22 Jan 2025
  • 1 Minute à lire
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preventSystemScreenshotImagePath [OBSOLETE]

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Résumé de l’article

This option is obsolete and has been removed. The Shielding Tool throws an error if you try to use this option.

The path to an image to use for screenshot replacement. If this resolves to a UIImagecompatible image file or a XIB file containing a single view, the resulting view will be presented in the event a screenshot is attempted. The background color defined with the Prevent system screenshot bg color option will fill in any areas not covered by the view.

The path to the image is relative to the application bundle, the XIB is just the name of the XIB within the main bundle. If the image is in a subdirectory, use a slash (/) as a directory separator (e.g. subdir/image.png).

The image will be centered and scaled to the screen size, keeping the aspect ratio. If the image aspect ratio does not match the screen, the parts of the screen which are not covered by the image will show the specified fill color. If the image could not be loaded for any reason, the screenshot replacement will fall back to use a specified solid background color instead.

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