  • 22 Jan 2025
  • 1 Minute à lire
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Résumé de l’article

The Shielding Tool has some options that can be used to investigate problems.

The --debug option tells the Shielding Tool to integrate a debug version of App Shielding. This version allows you to override some security checks and enables some logging to make debugging possible. For example, if you set exitOnDebugger and blockDebugger to 0 in the debug version, you can debug the app through Xcode. Otherwise, trying to debug a release version in Xcode will always result in a crash due to those security checks being enabled by default.

The --no-bind option disables the binding between the application and App Shielding. Use this option to check whether the problems you have are caused by the binding.

If any of the above options are used, the resulting application MUST NOT be released to the public.

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