Generation of the configuration file
  • 20 Jan 2025
  • 1 Minute à lire
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Generation of the configuration file

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Résumé de l’article

To generate an updatable configuration file, use the --generate-update-config option with the Shielding Tool command line:


java -jar Shielder.jar <app file> --config <config file> --generate-update-config

The output file is the encrypted file that you would then upload to your own web server and point to in your App Shieldingconfiguration.

The app (i.e., the .apk or .ipa file) must have already been protected by App Shielding before generating the updatable configuration. Never generate the updatable configuration before protecting the app.

Otherwise, the internal configuration in the app will have a newer embedded time stamp, rendering the configuration update obsolete.

It is also important to use the same version of the Shielding Tool command line that was initially used to protect the app. A mismatch in versions will cause App Shielding to ignore the downloaded configuration file.

If multiple versions of the app are expected to coexist with multiple versions of App Shielding, you must ensure that each version of App Shielding receives the correct version of the updated configuration, for example, by using a unique web server URL for each app update.

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