<object>query SOAP Response Structure
  • 28 Feb 2025
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<object>query SOAP Response Structure

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Résumé de l’article

An objectquery SOAP request typically uses the following format:

<!-- ... Additional namespace declarations -->
      <results xsi:type="USER-TYPES:????QueryResults">
        <resultCodes xsi:type="BASIC-TYPES:ResultCodes">
        <resultAttribute xsi:type="USER-TYPES:???AttributeList">
          <attributeList xsi:type="USER-TYPES:???AttributeSet">
            <attributes xsi:type="USER-TYPES:???Attribute">
              <value xsi:type="xsd:string">?????</value>
        <errorStack xsi:type="BASIC-TYPES:ErrorStack"/>

The SOAP body element should only contain an objectQueryResponse element, where object specifies the requested object (line 9). The objectQueryResponse element always contains a results element, which in turn contains the following elements:

  • resultCodes (required). This element contains the following sub-elements:

    • returnCode. The operation return code indicating the overall result of the request processing.
    • statusCode. The operation status code indicating the reason for failure of any returnCode different from success (0).
    • returnCodeEnum. The identifier corresponding to the returnCode.
    • statusCodeEnum. The identifier corresponding to the statusCode.
  • resultAttribute (required). This element contains zero or more attributes elements.
  • errorStack (required). Contains zero or more errors elements.

    • errors. Each errors element contains the following sub-elements:

      • errorCode. The error code integer.
      • errorDesc. A string representation of the error code.

For a complete list of possible error codes, see Error codes and messages.

  • ResultCount. Required. This element specifies the number of objects that matched the specified search criteria. If queryOption.count is set to true in the query request, then only the ResultCount element will be returned in the response.

In this case, the resultattribute element is used to refer to attributeList elements for the specified object (object). Each attributeList element specifies one search result row.

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