Server Configuration – Storage (tab)
  • 24 Feb 2025
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Server Configuration – Storage (tab)

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Résumé de l’article

To configure data store settings for OneSpan Authentication Server, at least one data source must exist in the list. The SYSTEM > Server Configuration > Storage tab allows you to add, delete, or configure ODBC data stores.

ODBC data storage settings

Table: ODBC data storage settings
Field nameDescription
Display NameThis the name that will be displayed in the ODBC Data Sources list.
DSNThe ODBC data source name used to connect to the specified database.
User NameUser credentials used to connect to the specified database.
PasswordThe password used to connect to the specified database.
Min Reconnect IntervalThe minimum time (in seconds) that OneSpan Authentication Server should wait to reconnect to this data source.
Max Reconnect IntervalEnter the maximum time (in seconds) that OneSpan Authentication Server should wait before retrying the connection.
Connection Management
Max ConnectionsThe maximum number of connections, which OneSpan Authentication Server should make to the database at the same time.
Idle Timeout (seconds)The period (in seconds) before unused connections to the database should be closed by OneSpan Authentication Server.
User ID Conversion

The character casing that OneSpan Authentication Server will use to save and retrieve user IDs in.

Possible values:

  • Convert to Lower-case. Use this to handle user IDs in lowercase.
  • No Conversion. Just save and retrieve using the user ID as it was entered.

 Advanced Settings

Field nameDescription
Advanced Settings
Connection Wait Time (ms)

When OneSpan Authentication Server already has the maximum number of database connections open and a new request arrives, OneSpan Authentication Server will wait for a database connection to become available (unless the Enable Load Sharing option is used). The Connection Wait Time value specifies this waiting period.

If the database does not respond within the connection wait time, OneSpan Authentication Server will report a timeout on that database. OneSpan Authentication Server will then attempt to connect to the next available database (if any). If OneSpan Authentication Server reports a timeout on all available databases, then it will report a timeout on the authentication request.

However, if the database rejects the connection before the connection wait time expires, OneSpan Authentication Server will wait for the connection wait time to pass before retrying a connection to the same database.

If load sharing is enabled, OneSpan Authentication Server will immediately attempt to connect to the next available database if its connection attempt was refused or if the connection wait time expires.

Enable Load SharingSelect this checkbox if you have multiple databases and want the OneSpan Authentication Server service to switch to another database when it exceeds the connection limit or if the current database becomes unavailable.

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.

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